On Saturday September 7th, members of Coquitlam SAR and representatives from Ridge Meadows SAR, Surrey SAR, the Canadian Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA), Coquitlam Fire Rescue and the SFU Telematics Research Lab attended a demonstration of the equipment, capabilities and skills of local Unmanned Aerial Vehicle services company North Guardian UAV Services. Coquitlam SAR has been …
Coquitlam SAR is recruiting! You can read about it in our previous post, and you can learn what it takes to be a SAR member on our membership page. We are holding an information session where members of the team will deliver a short presentation and answer questions, and accept applications in person. Coquitlam City …
For immediate release Coquitlam Search and Rescue has partnered with North Guardian UAV Services Canada (North Guardian) to investigate the use of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the use of Search and Rescue in BC. The use of UAVs has increased in recent years, with the first verified location of a missing subject in Canada occurring …
At 14:20 on Thursday August 15th Coquitlam SAR was tasked by the BC Ambulance Service to respond to a 20 year old female subject with an injured knee on the West Buntzen Trail. Working closely with the Buntzen Lake wardens, team members were transported by boat to a location several kilometres up the lake and …
We are looking for a group of dedicated, community minded individuals who are motivated to spend their time helping others. Coquitlam SAR responds to between 30 to 40 SAR incidents a year, ranging from lost hikers, children, elderly, people with dementia and developmental disabilities, injured people, boaters, 4×4 drivers, and mountain bikers among many other …