Spring is well on it’s way and Coquitlam SAR is nearing the end of our “spring training” to be ready for the busy summer hiking season. That season had an early start with the team responding twice in the same day to Eagle Ridge to rescue four people in two separate incidents on Wednesday April 29th. …
Coquitlam Alternate Basic Education (CABE) is the School District 43 alternative high school for students not doing well in a traditional learning environment. The school offers smaller class sizes, a more personalized approach to student learning, and self-pacing with most courses set up to be completed within 2 – 3 months. Many students have experienced …
Over the years the Port Coquitlam and District Hunting and Fishing Club has proven to be a key supporter of Coquitlam SAR. “The Gun Club” as it is affectionately referred to by SAR personnel, is situated on the flank of Burke Mountain and is an ideal staging area for SAR operations on Burke or the …
Coquitlam SAR responded to 30 tasks in 2014 for a total of 2700 person hours of effort. We searched for 29 subjects, and the team was in the field for 39 operational periods, as some searches are more than one day in length. These numbers are slightly down from 2013 when the team responded to 39 searches, …
Coquitlam SAR was out searching Burke Mountain on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, and the effort highlighted again the need to replace Coquitlam 1, our 20 year old mobile command centre. The replacement project, which has been in the planning stage for just over a year, launched into the fundraising phase this summer. As the team …