Coquitlam SAR would like to thank the Coquitlam Foundation for granting the team $3,200 under their Community Grants program. These funds, along with donations and other grants, have been used to continue our move to a digital radio system over the past year.
The digital radio system has the capability to track field team members through GPS receivers integrated into the radios. Combined with digital repeaters, digital base stations in our command vehicle, and other SAR trucks, the radios will increase the safety of our operations by giving us the locations of all SAR members deployed on a task. In the rapidly changing technological environment, live tracking has become a standard and our team is well on the way to meeting it.
The transition to the digital radios comes at a good time for the team, as we are currently in the process of building our new mobile command centre (MCC), which will be in operation this fall. The MCC will contain six digital base radios, computers, software and other communications systems which will put Coquitlam SAR on the forefront of Search and Rescue technology.